
March 2024 Newsletter

From the Exalted Ruler We need to hit on a business item right away on my last newsletter. It is imperative for you to pay your dues (and in a timely fashion). There are a few reasons why: 1. Our Lodge is still responsible for paying $37 per member regardless of if you pay or not. 2. If you do not pay, the Lodge will drop you from our membership. When this happens, you are Read more…

February 2024 Newsletter

From the Exalted Ruler One more. An inside joke, the premise of our latest bar crawl, and the number of newsletters Chris Wilkey needs to write for me during my time as your Exalted Ruler (after this one). Thank you to Chris for helping me over the last few years with the newsletter and with planning the 9-1-1 One More Bar Crawl. What started as a birthday party idea has brought in over $10,000 for Read more…

January 2024 Newsletter

From The Exalted Ruler Well, that’s a wrap! We had another great holiday season at the Lodge. A huge thanks to Gary and Robin Hedrick for their continued support of the Henry County CPS and their Christmas program. This year we helped 29 children. Thank you to everyone who helped with this party and provided gifts for these kids. We will be having initiations on January 4th, so please keep this date in mind if Read more…

December 2023 Newsletter

From The Exalted Ruler If I didn’t see you up at the Lodge in November, you must have been out of town! It was an extremely busy month, and it was great to see all our members taking advantage of our different events and opportunities. Our Elktoberfest Party was a huge success and I want to thank everyone who made it a wonderful evening. We were able to raise $1,313 for the Elks National Foundation. Read more…

November 2023 Newsletter

From the Exalted Ruler The holiday season is officially kicking off this month and that means it’s about to get extremely busy at the Lodge. It’s important to get your reservations made now and keep your calendar up to date. I want to take a moment to thank our Veterans. Thank you for your service and everything to do for our Lodge. I hope you can all join us in celebrating with all the Veterans Read more…

October 2023 Newsletter

From the Exalted Ruler Welcome to the start of the busy season at the Lodge! When the leaves start turning, you can expect a lot of events for the rest of the year. I hope to see you up at the Lodge multiple times and help us support our wonderful events The Cancer Dance was a lot of fun and we raised a substantial amount of money for cancer research. Thank you to everyone who Read more…

September 2023 Newsletter

From the Exalted Ruler In just a few weeks, we will see the return of football, colorful leaves, and cooler temperatures. We have had a very busy summer at the Lodge, and I want to thank everyone who made all the events, outings, and dinners possible. We have had multiple class reunions, two fantasy football drafts, and a few very busy dinner nights. It has been busy, but I love to see the Lodge full Read more…

August 2023 Newsletter

From The Exalted Ruler And just like that, here we are in August! It is my pleasure to let you know that our Lodge has received $15,005.88 in grant funding from New Castle Main Street and their Building Renovation Assistance Program. This funding will be used to fix our A/C units and replace all the flooring in the bar, kitchen, dry storage, and dishwashing room. Thank you to Chris Wilkey for applying for this grant Read more…

July 2023 Newsletter

From The Exalted Ruler July is here and we are continuing our fundraising and events this summer! I wanted to start by giving you an update on our Cancer Golf Outing. I believe set a record on the total amount raised with a final amount of $6,110. We’re lucky to have so many great members and local businesses supporting this cause. I want to thank everyone that helped pull this outing off this year. Brent Read more…